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The History and Purpose of Syman Inc.

Syman Inc., located at 2101 Delta Drive, Nampa, Idaho, was founded in May 2007 by Adam and Kay Lyman and Brad and Tamara Simpson. From the beginning Syman Inc. intended to be the premier provider of environmental compliance services for construction related projects.

Syman Inc. specializes in the design, supply, and installation of erosion and sediment control services. Some of the services Syman Inc. provides includes writing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, Dewatering Plans, performing inspections, installing erosion and sediment control BMPs, and teaching a wide variety of environmental classes across the west.

Syman Inc.'s organization includes four main departments to oversee environmental compliance. The Project Management team oversees all projects and coordinates with the other departments. Our Design Department writes environmental documents to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations for stormwater runoff and non-stormwater discharges. Our inspection team is trained and certified to perform hundreds of site inspections each month. The installation team is trained in proper installation of all erosion and sediment control BMPs.

Since 2007, Syman Inc. has grown from the initial four owners to a company employing about 60 people both full and part-time. Syman Inc. writes stormwater permit documents across all of Idaho and in all of Idaho's surrounding states. Our construction and inspection services have to all states that border Idaho.

It is the mission of Syman Inc. to provide our clients with the guidance and tools to maintain local, state, and federal requirements for environmental compliance. The result of our assistance is a minimization of risk from potential penalties that could result from non-compliance

Relevant Projects:

Eagle Lakes Dewatering

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Since 2015, Syman Inc. has been managing construction site stormwater compliance for this site. The site is currently three separate projects and in the street construction phase. Early phase. included removing deleterious material, extracting sand and gravel, and modifying the floodway to allow buildings to be constructed above the base flood elevation. During the modification of existing ponds on the site and major dewatering operations, high pH material was encountered. Finding that the pH in the groundwater was too high and could not be discharged without active treatment, Syman Inc. began working with the IDEQ, EPA, the owner and contractor to develop a viable plan to complete the work. Syman Inc. contracted hazardous material specialists and the owner consulted with water treatment experts. Syman Inc. developed a dewatering plan and implemented monitoring protocols to ensure no water discharged from the site that would violate the state water quality standards. Syman Inc. implemented treatment recommendations and provided regular testing to help all those involved understand how to modify the processes to create a successful outcome. Syman Inc. deployed monitoring equipment at multiple locations at the site and provided a URL to involved parties so everyone could see the results of the 15-minute sample intervals in real time. During the project, Syman Inc. participated in multiple EPA inspections of the project, multiple communications through phone and e-mail with the EPA, including meetings at the EPA offices in Boise. Now that dewatering is complete, Syman Inc. continues to inspect and maintain BMPs at the site.

Caldwell Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Syman Inc. set up monitoring equipment for dewatering discharges during major plant improvements. The monitoring equipment checked the upstream turbidity and turbidity at the outfall of the dewatering discharge every 15 minutes. The data was stored in data loggers mounted on the banks of the river and transmitted to the contractor's computer on-site through a radio transmitter and receiver. Syman Inc. also prepared a SWPPP including dewatering plans for the site

Marsing Bridge

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Syman Inc. deployed monitoring equipment to measure turbidity and pH downstream of a bridge rehabilitation project in the Snake River. Due to the nature of the cement and epoxy used to rehabilitate the deck and piers, monitoring was required 100 feet downstream of the pier being worked on. Syman Inc. created a solar powered floating monitoring station that could be deployed downstream of the active in-water work that would transmit data to the job trailer situated several hundred feet upland of the riverbank. Syman Inc. trained the contractor to retrieve the data and check for critical functions such as battery life. Syman Inc. visited the site regularly to maintain the equipment and update the SWPPP with data.

Lower Salmon Boat Ramp

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Syman Inc. deployed turbidity curtains around a boat dock and ramp next to the Lower Salmon Falls Dam. Work was completed by boat in river with flowing waters. Anchoring was accomplished by attaching to dock moorings and across the bay to natural vegetation. Anchors were placed along the length of curtain to keep the river current from pushing the curtain inward toward the boat ramp. Danforth anchors were used in this application.

Edge Resort Bank Revetment

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Syman Inc. managed a bank revetment project for the US Army Corps of Engineers along the South Fork of the Payette River. Rock barbs were placed along the banks of the South Fork in the early 1970's, the design had consequences, creating aggressive eddies behind the barbs that eroded away the banks edge depositing sediment along the riverbed. Syman Inc. was hired to mitigate the damage by deploying turbidity curtains along the bank and into the middle of the channel to minimize sediment downstream when removing rock barbs. Later Coffer dams were deployed to dewater the banks edge to bring heavy equipment into the riverbank to place logs, slag and rocks according to the approved 404 permit. The project was well received by the Army Corps and labeled it a model bank revetment for future work.

Walters Ferry

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Syman Inc. deployed water monitoring for underwater pier repair that Granite Construction had acquired. Water monitoring with telemetry was deployed upstream, within the wok area and downstream. Parameters were set by Idaho Fish and Game, Idaho Transportation Department and Department of lands. Specific sampling for Turbidity and pH were recorded and distributed via emails to alert when water quality limits were being approached. Turbidity curtain was also deployed around the piers to minimize a concrete plum if one had occurred. Areas of struggle were the current within the river, it would change daily due to influx of discharge from agriculture operations and the Lower Salmon Falls dam flow changes. Multiple types of anchors were deployed to keep monitoring equipment and curtains from moving out of place. Ultimately large concrete blocks held their place though out the project's duration. For additional comments about water quality and turbidity curtain related projects please contact Syman Inc..

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